Greater Plan


A phrase that has always floated around in my mind through my life is that “everything works out like it is supposed to.”When things are breezy and fun it is always so simple to remember this, but during the hard times it’s a bit more complicated to hold onto.

How I got to Albania is one of those experiences that is like, “DUHHHH!!! of course everything works out how it is supposed to!!” I was living in Madrid, coming back from a trip home to Texas and grabbing my things to move down south to Andalucía, to the Granada region. And then, everything changed. I received a message from a dear friend that I met 10 years prior about working at an International school in Durrës, Albania. I immediately connected to this idea. Long story short, I flew to Madrid and sent in my CV on a Sunday, interviewed on a Thursday, got offered and accepted the job on a Friday and moved myself and all my things the next Wednesday!! I mean if a story of a Texas girl, living in Spain and moving to Albania in about a week doesn’t scream that everything works out, even if it is not you original plan, then I don’t know what does!

Moving to Albania meant that I could continue my dream of living internationally, I could explore a new part of the world and a new culture, I could get experience in an IB school, I would be living by the sea (which one of my goals was to live near nature) and I would be in a better financial situation. All a dream. There has been some imperfections, as anything brings. We had a devastating earthquake, I have had to end friendships, which is never fun. and now as we are all experiencing, COVID19.

At the beginning of the quarantine, I was thriving.– I was in good company, becoming a chef, finally taking a break from being on the go/ travelling (which I was longing for), still hopeful I would see my family soon, had my job teaching online and full pay. Long story short, my school hit some financial problems and it wasn’t handled/ communicated in the best way. Our pays were cut in half, our rent allowance was stopped and they cut all the secondary contracts for the following year, They were firing people left and right and they cut all the specialties teachers for the next year (which I am one of them, the Drama teacher). It was pretty jarring news. I was devastated and so stressed out deep down within me. It was hard for me to accept why I was so seamlessly brought here for it to be all taken away so quickly.

This experience has reminded me that I have to live this life with open hands and with an open heart and mind. Just as I was so uncertain a year ago (I was moving to Granada after not being sure if this was the right choice for me, I was unhappy in my job and looking for something more financially suitable.) and life brought me to Albania. I have to trust that life will continually do this for me. I believe that we will not be handed more than we can take and usually the plan works out better than imagined.

So here I am still in Albania and now the school year has officially ended as of yesterday. I am still trying to figure it out and choosing to keep positivity and hopefulness. My tentative plan is to stay in Albania for the summer, with the hope that a position at an International school will open up. I don’t feel like my time in this beautiful country is over. If this doesn’t work out, stay tuned in a couple of months with an update. Well either way, stay tuned for an update in a couple of months! I really do believe the energy and mindset you put out will manifest itself into reality.

So, though my style isn’t usually to sit and wait for something to happen. I usually dream it and make it happen. I am here and I am mire (good in Albanian)!! I am trusting that the greater plan will work how it is supposed to. And though defeated/ hopeless/ sad thoughts come (which I am having as I am also missing my family so stinking’ much. Come September it will be a year since I have seen them and that is something I will never support. UGH!!), I am remembering a quote from Shunryu Suzuki, “Leave your front door and your back door open. Allow your thoughts to come and go. Just don’t serve them tea.” I am giving myself grace and just not inviting the negative thoughts for tea. As far as my family, I am embracing through the gift of technology and having gratitude for this.

It seems like the most important lessons in this life are continually being taught to us!! So to me and everyone… don’t forget to trust timing and the greater plan! It will always work out far greater than we plan and we can use the inevitable hardships to grow and to learn.

I’ll be around Albania, embracing my seaside city and doing some trips around!! I always have an ongoing bucket list in action! So cheers to keeping the spirits up, but knowing it’s okay to have tough potato days!!!!!!

Ciao ciao, love y’all!!


What To Do in Durrës, Albania!


Free At Last…