Livin’ Yo’ Best Life


“Living my best life” has been a phrase that has become part of my regular conversations lately— one of my go to sayings. I feel like it is the new “YOLO” which I love. Jaja I am not sure why, but saying YOLO genuinely cracks me up. But these days, it’s all “livin my best life!” And I support it.

Personally, I am so thankful for the place of life I am in right now. I have found it to truly be such a gift. How would I describe this time of my life? Light. Joyful. Growing. LOLing. Expanding. And free (who knows maybe ill get this tattooed on me one day;) lol ). You know, sometimes I get to thinking and I get worried for a hot second that maybe I am not reflecting enough, feeling or dealing with things… but what I always feel that I am being brought back to is that this light hearted season in my life is a GIFT and it is intentional and purposeful. I need to stop worrying and just embrace it. If all our seasons of life were the super deep, sad, emotional, draining, trial- filled ones, then I don’t think we would live very long, honestly, jaja.

Physically, I am living in Spain. As I have said 20 trillion times, this is a huge dream of mine. I am out of my comfort zone, in a new culture, learning a new language, learning a lot in general about myself and life and getting to travel a lot. These are all things my soul craves and loves. Traveling has always been a true passion of mine and I get to do a lot of it and it is such a gift. I am too thankful.

SO here I am, I am living one of my personal dreams and I am in a light-hearted, peaceful phase of life. With all these beautiful things, I always have to put some perspective in, it’s not all perfect, as we all should know. I don’t advertise that I have had 3 colds, tonsillitis, LICE, a bacterial infection, a sprained ankle, a hurt back, have felt lonely, have felt insecurities, have lost friends, have not wanted to be at my job, have felt purposeless some days, super homesick, have worried about money a lot and more. I feel that everyone only shows the best part of what they are doing and about their lives. Which makes sense, that is the part that is the most glamorous and loved.

I get frustrated sometimes, because the full story doesn’t all get told. I have gotten some feedback on stuff that I post and about my life in general, about how my life seems perfect or “that it must be nice”. Well… I am here to say that is is not perfect and you know, it is nice. BECAUSE what makes life isn’t all the things. I love traveling, but it doesn’t leave you fulfilled. I love dressing cute, but the next day you want something else. You invest in people and sometimes they don’t reciprocate (but we do love the humans and need them lol). And so on. 

What I think is essential to remember is that what makes this life is your state of mind. Living your best life doesn’t come from traveling, money (though I know we need it), clothes, possessions, items, THINGS. We can’t take freakin things with us when we die. But what it comes down to is content-ness. Being content is having an internal peace and acceptance of who you are, where you are in life and with what you have. It’s hard to be content all the time, when we live in such an entitled, instant, always wanting more time of life. And it doesn’t help that we see these things advertised everywhere. But it’s about loving where you are. My favourite quote is “A thankful heart manifests joy”. Joy doesn’t always just appear, but living thankfully creates the joy.

I feel like I was living my best life living in Fort Worth, being a high school teacher and being hated on (lol), living at home with my family, recovering from a super hard season of life, etc. and now, living in Spain, teaching English, making my life here. Missing home? yes. Still have student loans? yes (lol). But do I have so much peace? Thankfulness? Joy? And am I content? Yes. So, I would say I am living my best life!! 

I want everyone to live their best lives. We just have to remember we are all humans and all our journeys look different and that is something to be thankful for. Because comparison is a thief of joy and that’s fo shoooo!


Paris, The Love of My Life


To Know and Be Known