Paris, Milano & London

Solo trip. Flew into Milano. Had 2 long layovers in London. Took a train over to Paris! This was one of those trips that all the stars aligned and I knew it must have been God planning this to totally rock my world. It was a last second solo trip. I was supposed to have a romantic getaway, the week before I decided I would go on my own. I had a trash cold so I was unsure if I should travel, but the ticket was there and I went. Long story short— I decided not to stay in Italy and took a train over to Paris. I was a zombie and slept the entire train ride and then all of the sudden I was in Paris. I stayed with a friend I knew from university. We weren’t super close but she is one of those people who our souls just connect. I also found out that two of my other friends, who are sisters and cousins of the friend living in Paris, were going to be there. The friend was being a little secretive and I just wasn’t sure why, turns out my friend’s boyfriend was coming to Paris to surprise her and propose!! I honoured to be in Paris and be able to celebrate with them on this most special day. We had champagne and foie gras, as we should as we were in France! It was the most magical. I also got coffee with another girl who was dating one of my good friends at the time! It is one of my favorite things to connect with people and friends of friends all over the world. I also did one of the best tours I have ever done with Fat Tire Bike Tours Paris!! We went all over the city and ended with a boat ride on the river with lots of wine! jaja. Paris captivated my soul and inspired me to move to Europe!! I then went back to Milano to catch my flight and my Italian friend just happened to be there that weekend! We strolled through Milano and it was a dream!! I had another pit stop in London, on the way there and on the way back! On the way there I had met someone on the plane and we went together into the city. He navigated the tube very well and it was such a gift to experience going into the city in such a short amount of time. I went for breakfast to my college roomie’s favorite place from when she studied abroad there. On my journey back, I got to stay with a good friend who I met when traveling in Patagonia Argentina. I stayed with him and his roommate and he gave be the ultimate city tour the next morning before my flight! It was the best and thus began a beautiful friendship! This trip was nothing short of absolutely inspiring and miracle after miracle lined up before me.


All the Feels


Ciao de Argentina y Chile