Bucket List


I am all up in my feels, which is what usually inspires me to write.– A strike of passion that runs through my heart and soul. I have been reflective lately, with a lot of rest and a break from my normal day to day life. Thank you Semana Santa. I am dreaming and planning and envisioning things in my life and it reminded me of my love of writing and making lists. Holy moly, making lists is such a fun and accomplishing thing for me. I love writing things, checking them off AND writing something because I already did it and then check it off, haha! So, I thought of my ongoing bucket list! They are so fun and help you think of what you want to do! Amazing.

An all time favourite quote from Shane Claiborne from his book, The Irresistible Revolution, is…


Can I get an AMEN???!

I remember, when I was a high school teacher in the States, some of the greatest times, and how one of the things we did in my Communication Applications class was make a bucket list. I was astonished that many of my kids had never heard of a bucket list before and when I explained it to them, a lot of them couldn’t think of what to put on their lists. I realised that many of my kids haven’t been encouraged or even given the opportunity to dream. My heart was obviously broken. I remember one of my kids put on his bucket list, something along the lines of, “be in the cold concrete box and stare at the bars”. It was something kinda poetic and I asked what it meant and he explained to me that he probably would just end up in jail. He said that is what everyone thinks of him and so why not. I am crying right now, classic. There is so much more for him. And I believe in hope and purpose for everyone. We thought of what he was good at and what he would want to do. I hope he thinks of these things now. I know everyone doesn’t have the same life, path, purpose, passions, talents and so on. But that is the beauty about everyone creating their own bucket list.

I don’t know. I just want people to know they are worthy of love and are valued and that they can set goals and dreams for themselves. And I hope there are loving people in their lives to encourage them and maybe me a resource to help them achieve such things.

Well, here is my bucket list:

Life Goals:

  • Sky dive

  • Be a high school teacher

  • Ride a bull

  • Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

  • Backpacking in Europe

  • Crash a wedding

  • Hang-glide in the Swiss Alps

  • Pierce 2nd hole in my ear

  • Get my cartilage pierced

  • Ride my bicycle across America

  • Become fluent in Spanish

  • Learn to snowboard

  • Go throughout Africa, in villages to know, be amongst and love the people

  • Live and be a teacher in a Spanish speaking country

  • Live in Europe

  • Live/ work with orphans in Central America (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua)

  • Live in Argentina

  • Base Jumping

  • Bungee Jumping off an effin tall bridge

  • Be a travel agent or a writer of travels

  • Cliff Jumping

  • Get a motorcycle license

  • Sing/ play an instrument on the streets of Europe and get donations

  • Weekend mom and daughter trip in Paris

  • Get married to a goofy, Godly, hilarious guy with facial hair lol

  • Ride a moped in Europe

  • Extended road trip on a moped

  • See a freakin awesome waterfall

  • Have my dog give birth to puppies

  • Adopt a kid

  • Live/ work in a ski town

  • Have a blog

  • Visit every state in America

  • Plan and pay for an international trip for my parents

  • Attend a college class at a random university

  • Go to Japan

  • Live in a van/ tiny home thing

  • Go down a river on a Bamboo raft

  • Have foreign exchange students stay with my fam and I

  • Learn a martial art

  • Learn to play the guitar

  • Learn the piano

  • Sing in front of crowd

  • Be in NYC for New Years

  • Visit all the USA National parks

  • Go to Niagara Falls

  • Meet a famous person that I love

  • Try modeling

  • Have my own coffee shop that inspires people, is homey and where I partner with a coffee farm in Central America that I feel drawn to

  • Live in a big city in the USA (DC, NYC)

  • Try surfing

  • Visit every YL camp in America

  • Do something YL abroad

  • Roadtrip through Europe

  • Extended road trip throughout Europe

  • Be a wakeboarding pro

  • Write and illustrate a children’s book

  • Go hunting and kill something (preferably a bird)

  • Hike and stay in a rain forest/ jungle

  • Go to Portugal with Grandma and Grandpa

  • Wilderness trip with my dad

  • Embrace a llama

  • Travel all through Asia by bike

  • Deep sea fishing

  • Be proposed to on top of a mountain

  • Be in a flash mob

  • Meet a President

  • International trip with my college roomies!

  • International trip with the FAM

  • Restore a village/ city/ town

  • Be on TV

  • Go to England and convince everyone I have an English accent

  • Visit a concentration camp

  • Go to Octoberfest in Germany

  • Go to india!!

  • Run with the bulls in Spain

  • Make a spear, stab a fish and eat it

  • Make a fire with sticks

  • See the Grand Canyon

  • Witnessing Grandma Grace becoming a believer

  • Perform an absolutely brilliant prank

  • See the Great Wall of China

  • Go to Patagonia, Argentina

  • Go to the Chilean Patagonia side

  • Go scuba diving

  • Go to a nude beach

  • Sleep on a beach

  • Ride a camel in Morocco

  • Get a tat

  • Learn to drive stick shift

  • Go to Machu Picchu in Peru

  • Take all my kids on a mission trip

  • Ride in a hot air balloon/ go to the New Mexico Hot Air Balloon festival

  • Live in California

  • Perform in a play

  • Attend an all-black church

  • Ride a horse bareback

  • Get the middle splits

  • Learn to skateboard

  • Go to Greece

  • Go to grad school to get my masters degree in international business

  • Have a home that is open to be a home to everyone!

  • Live in a studio apartment at some point of life

AHHHH I have so much more to do and I think that is exciting!! But seriously, YOLO. I always say this because it is hilarious and cliche, but seriously. Just live! I have some quotes:)

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. ” –Michael Jordan. Be like Mike. Lol.

By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. –Mark Victore Hansen (IDK who this is haha, I just googles bucket list quotes. Legendary.)

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss, but that it is too low and we reach it. —Michelangelo

So many inspiration quotes. (https://bucketlistjourney.net/57-quotes-that-will-inspire-you/  )

What you think is what you say, what you say is what you do and what you do is what you become. So who are you and who do you want to become? Design your life by who you want to be!


To Know and Be Known


Prague Blog