Londres para Navidad


I am listening to Eminem and reflecting on my time in London. haha. How classic? London is great and it is a good place to be around the Christmas season. It’s chilly and the city has many lights, Christmas festivities and markets! This was my second time in London but first time to get to explore the city more leisurely.

I am always an advocate of ‘it’s all about who you’re with”. I was in good company and I think that always makes a trip! Shared experiences are such a treasure! My friend is quite the planner and he always has the best plans that give you the whole “experience”. So, I was a bit mindless and just went with the flow and that was so nice, because usually I am making the plan!

We went to Christmas markets and drank Mulled Wine (AMEN) and hot chocolate. We went to the Southbank one and also the one in Leicester Square. Lovely! We went to a super cool Pub, called Churchill Arms Pub and if anyone was wondering, it is an ENGLISH pub. I had the mistake of asking if it were an Irish pub. jaja. We walked around London, which is Christmas-y in itself. I had a Starbucks gift card and so it was utilised as we walked in a park and hung out with a very social squirrel. Also, we went to St Pauls Cathedral for Christmas carols. Beautiful place, yes. But SUPER long and we were sitting on the side and almost never saw the people singing. I also recommend you don’t go when your starved because you will hate everything, if so. This is free though! Another night, we went to Royal Albert Hall for Christmas carols and it changed our lives. Great and beautiful venue and Christmas songs we all know. It was engaging, fun and majestic! This was 20 pound! On Christmas, we stayed in out PJs with our Christmas sweaters on. We open presents, which consisted of Oreos, hot chocolate, milk, bread and other grocery products. It was hilarious and fun. We cooked out and drank hot chocolate and watched about 7 Christmas movies. What a cozy dream. It was my first Christmas in 25 years to be away from my family. I really missed them, but am very thankful I was in a place that felt cozy, warm and like family. I got to FaceTime the family though and it was magical! Technology is killing the game, once again.

The day after Christmas, my friend came from the States and it was the best! So fun exploring together and very refreshing to have a friend to be real with. Rejuvenating and hilarious because we laugh at everything!

Camden Town. This part of town is hip and colourful. We enjoyed walking around the markets and the streets! Definitely come here. Also, come hungry because there were a lot of booths with delicious looking food. We had just ate, so were mildly devastated.  I would suggest you buy an umbrella there (as in London, but there were a lot in Camden Town) and do yourself a favour and maybe get a cool, clear bubble one. Spend the couple extra pounds and be boujee. Although, many laughs came from our cheap umbrellas and no regrets, I would recommend a better one! HAHA. But we low key love ours. Exhibit A is below. LOL.

We took a stroll to Little Venice. Had no idea this existed in London. It was adorable, but a bit anticlimactic! If you are riding bikes, I would say it’s worth to roll on by here. Don’t go out of your way though! It was cute and we got to walk in a neighbourhood with classic England-looking homes.

One of the best decisions we made was renting bikes. Very cheap and so easy to get around the city. It was so fun! This is always my favourite choice of transportation in different cities. Paige and I did this during the day and rode through and around Carnaby Street, which has many Christmas lights, restaurants shopping and more. We loved it! I had also did a night ride with my other two friends, through London on our way home! Riding at night was a blast and less crowded.

Of course. Buckingham Palace is a must. Along with Big Bend and Trafalgar Square! I think you just have to see them. Big Bend was under construction, so tragic. I had flashbacks when I went to the Trevi Fountain in Rome a few years ago and it was under construction! I’m scarred for life. Lol.

Christmas, people!!! Come on!!!!!

If you have read anything I have written about traveling, I always talk about how I love cliche things. Of course, I like going off the beaten path, but I think it is so fun to do things like take a photo with a phone booth in London. DO IT. BUT, make sure no one is going to the restroom in there. True story. See the London Eye and walk along Southbank!! See some views of London. Cant remember where I was for my views, sorry! haha. Stay tuned.

London is Christmas-y and I am a fan of that. I also love to talk in a British accent, so I felt like I was at home.


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