Voyages of 2017


There is something about going to new places. It brings reflection and new perspective. It takes you out of your day to day routine and brings a breath of fresh air. I am so thankful for opportunities to go all over the place— to see the literal place and also embrace the people. Traveling seems pretty glamorous, and a lot of times it is, because it is such a privilege, but it’s not always perfect. Things don’t always work out exactly how you think. You may miss a flight, waste some money unintentionally, have a bad experience, be sad about something or become extremely exhausted. For me, travel is my favorite thing and what liberates my being, but also drains me, because you’re on the go, in a new place and have to engage a lot. I have had to sleep on the floors of train stations and airports in foreign countries, have been lost, missed flights, had food poisoning, been heartbroken and so on while traveling. In retrospect, I am so thankful for these hardships while exploring the world because they teach you so much! They enrich the experience! I am thinking of all this travel business because I am reminiscing on my 2017 year and travels have been a huge part of it. I know we’re still in 2017, it’s not over yet, but currently my “year” seems to be ending in October, because that is when a gigantic change in life occurs. (Casually moving to Spain). I feel that typically people who are preparing to move to another country, don’t plan a million trips before they go…. Part of me feels like a crazy person but they just kinda happened and I found SO many good deals. What was a girl supposed to do? Each trip has been so very special and has taught me valuable things. They haven’t all been perfect, but they’re all worth it and special!

Orlando, Florida, Disney World:


This was my first trip of 2017 and it changed me. I was deprived as a child of going here. I think going as an adult makes you love it more. Tears were shed and I was awestruck. This trip reminded me of chasing your dreams. I also was on a fast (the Daniel fast), where I could not eat anything with preservatives, processed, caffeine, meat, sugar and so on. All this to say, being at Disney world was a VERY hard place to be during this. What I was reminded of was what a society we live in of instant gratification. If we want something, we get it. It is so quick and convenient. The aroma and vision of ice cream and all these beautiful foods was tragically difficult to be near. But I was so honored to practice a lifestyle of being able to say no to my desires. I really had to rely on God. I mean come on— corn dogs, coffee, ice-cream, popcorn!! It was a real challenge.

Orange County, California:


This trip was super spontaneous and on a whim. I was in Santa Ana, Anaheim, Laguna, Orange and Newport Beach. Haha, kinda everywhere. My friend really needed me this weekend and so I bought a ticket the day before to come embrace her in the homeland. I don’t recall what I learned, except sometimes you have to be spontaneous and I believe and value the concept that friends will go to great length to love and support another friend. I also got to spend some quality time with my Grandma, which is always good for the heart.


Las Vegas, Nevada:


Lol, Las Vegas. Not totally my scene, but it was such a cliche experience. I was there for one of my best friend from college/ my Young Life team’s bachelorette party. We went to casinos (obviously), we were VIPS at clubs and pool parties. It was so hilarious. I learned that sometimes you have to all run through a very nice hotel in heals and scarf down a $25 grilled cheese and tomato soup as a community. We laughed at ourselves and about our environment a lot. We also ran into the ex-boyfriend of the bride. Could that be anymore movie-y? I learned here that sometimes you just have to lighten up. Although it is not my scene, it was fun to just embrace it. I also learned that you have to be very blunt to boys and tell them that you are super uninterested in having any sort of conversation with them, or they don’t get it. Haha.



I went to Europe over spring break. I was in London, England, Paris, France and Milano, Italia. This was my first solo trip abroad and it changed my life!! Traveling by yourself could be one of the best experiences of your life. It liberated me on so many levels. This trip really taught me how much God goes ahead of you and plans things far better than you’d ever imagine!! I was supposed to go on this trip with my boyfriend and we didn’t end up going. Classic. I went anyway and God planted so many people and experiences that captivated my heart. I am a changed woman because of this. I also couldn’t contain the passion in my heart and soul to pursue living abroad after this trip. I tried fighting it off for about a month, because I wasn’t going to make big life decisions until June and it was only March. It was late April and I had spent everyday convincing myself not to apply for jobs/ programs to teach in Spain. I finally couldn’t take it anymore and felt the green-light and applied. I felt so much freedom and peace. INSANE. So thankful this trip happened, as it was obviously ordained by God and inspired me to take the path of this dream of all dreams of mine. It was a curveball, because up until this trip, I was going to do this dream in South America. Stay tuned. Haha

Detroit, Michigan:


Just a little D-town boogie. I love Detroit. The spring time there was lovely. My mom and I came to visit my dad over Easter. We had the best time embracing. It was fun to see my dad’s life there. He was there for work. We got to see him in action and visit his church. I loved this church more than anything. So many different types of people. I love going to a church with people different from me, it makes me in awe of our God. There was a lady who did a spoken word and that was the best thing of life. It gets you pumped up. This trip, just reiterated the importance of family and how thankful I am to have these experiences with them. We went to a casino on Easter and that was hilarious. Also, us three shared a full size bed…. Hahahaha. Gee wiz, my family!!

San Diego, California:


I am in California a lot. Probably anywhere from 2-5 times a year. I love this place and will live here at some point of life. So much of my family lives here. I was here this time to have some quality time with my brother before he got out of the Navy and moved back to Texas. So proud of him! I loved getting to see his life here, be in the sunshine and get to experience his church life. We went to a service/ meeting and they talked about loving on refugees. Listening to the message reminded me of how important loving people is. I was reminded and refueled to love my students with all of me and the strength of Christ. I have had a lot of students from all over the world and I was so humbled that they were placed in my life. I have had students from Rwanda, Somalia, India, Mexico, Honduras, Miramar and perhaps some more. Sometimes you get wrapped up in tasks and duties and you forget to get over these and yourself to love people above all else.

Natchitoches, Louisiana:


Down at the Bayou. This may have been one of my favorite trips of all time. It was Mother’s Day weekend and my dad was now working in Louisiana. My mom and I road tripped down to spend the weekend with him. We had such a fun time driving in my mom’s new car, listening to music and enjoying each other. We went to a restaurant and sat outside on the patio. There is so much culture and hospitality in Louisiana and we experienced it first hand. There was a live band that was just killing the game. Classic after classic. The vibes were as good as they could ever be. I had some red vino, my dad some beer and my mom some moscato. It was the perfect temperature and I was just reminded that live music is good and necessary for the soul and you being in the moment with the people you love is the most special thing of life. At home, on an extravagant trip or some random town in Louisiana.  This was the definition of thriving.

Chicago, Illinois:


I came to Chicago to visit my good friend, Ashley, from work crew from Trail West Young Life Camp. We have kept in good touch for the past 6 years. It is always special to get to see someone’s life where they live and we did just that. I loved getting to catch up, experience her new city and see her and her boyfriend’s love. Super special to spend time together. We explored Chicago, chilled out and watched Youtube videos and Pitch Perfect.

Colorado Springs, Colorado:


Colorado. Impeccable and one of my favorite states. I was here for my friend’s wedding (who we were in Las Vegas for). So I was in Colorado Springs and Denver a bit. I got to have dinner with my friend, Julie, who I did work crew with at Trail West Young Life camp, in Denver. It was refreshing to catch up. It is always as if time never passed. Celebrating Brigette and her marriage was so special. This was my first wedding where one of my best friend’s was getting married. So it was super special and just the best. I loved getting to stand beside her on this special day. This time in Colorado was also kind of hard for me. I was super emotional (ugh. Classic!), my adult acne felt like the worst thing of life and it made me super insecure and I was very exhausted from being around people 24/7. I was reminded on this trip that it is okay to not be okay and there are so many people who have good hearts, with your best interest in mind, to love you. So many of the girls in the bridal party, my friend Julie (who I spent the night with at the end of my trip again) and her roommate, who I have hung out with only a couple of times before, showed me so much love. It really opens your heart to be open with people and love them back.



I am always all over the place when I come here. We came for my cousin’s wedding. We flew into San Diego, paddle boarded and had acai bowls. A dream. We drove up to Anaheim and spent time with my grandma/ stayed with her. We spent time with the family at the wedding and stayed at my aunt’s house in the high desert of California. And then back to Anaheim and back to San Diego. Haha. What a whirlwind. It was so fun to have the Jenkins unit united. Also, being all together with my mom’s side was a blast. I love my family so much and again I was reminded of how important these people are. They are my blood!! I am so thankful for every single one of them. It is so cool and a gift to have people you know you can count on.

The Florida Keys:


Hello lobster season. I came here with my college roomie to spend time with the fam and participate in the infamous lobster season. Every time I get to be apart of her home life in Florida, I am flooded with thankfulness. I love being with Ty’s family and being able to experience the keys— the island lifestyle, margaritas, the boat, the water, deep sea fishing, fresh fish to eat, lobstering, getting tan, laughing and just lounging with each other feels like once in a lifetime. I am so honored to get to experience these special times together. I was reminded to soak up each moment and to really love where you are. Don’t dwell in things and to just embrace life! That sounds kinda ambiguous, but makes sense to me. Lol.



Well I already wrote an entire article on my Peru experience. We flew into Lima, went to Cusco, then to Agua Calientes, Machu Picchu, Puno and Arequipa. This was one of my favorite trips of all time. This trip played a huge part of my journey or realizing I AM A HUMAN. Haha. Crazy, but I usually am so critical and hard on myself, I don’t give myself grace to be a human. So in Peru, I lived, made decisions, embraced them, CHILLED OUT, laughed a lot, saw God in so much, pondered things freely and just felt free to be me and to be human. Wow, so liberating. I loved traveling with my friend, Haley. It was refreshing. We worked at another Young Life camp called Sharp Top Cove in Georgia. We hadn’t hung out in about 4 years, so it was super fun to experience this and catch up. I really love this journey of life and soaking all in, even getting food poisoning in Peru taught me so much. How hilarious! I was so sick and it was tragic and comical. Also thankful for my Spirit Airlines flight from San Diego to Dallas that was delayed back in April, visiting my brother, until the next day, making me miss work with no more sick days…. It got me a roundtrip voucher that got me to Peru for free! Unreal!!!



I flew into Phoenix. We spent time in Sedona, Flagstaff and at Lost Canyon Young Life camp. I came to visit a friend I did work crew with at Trail West and we went to college together and were on the same Young Life team. Arizona is SO diverse and beautiful. I would like to spend more time here. I didn’t have my yearly Young Life camp experience and I missed it so much. Despite anywhere I have traveled, Young Life camp is my favorite place on earth. It is heaven on earth and brings me the most joy. Although camp wasn’t going on, just being at camp was refreshing and I enjoyed seeing Cara’s life here! I also had been internally reflecting throughout this trip about life and friendships. I remembered how everything is for a season and sometimes that means friends too. Friendships are something I value more than most things. I am the type of person that intends to be friends for life. I am good at keeping up with people and visiting them (as you can see lol). There are definitely friends for life and I am SO thankful, but there are many friends that are just for a season and that is okay. I tend to get super salty about it, because my friendship values means friendship for the long haul. BUT, that isn’t always realistic or what God plans. I started to learn to let go of friendships and to not harbor bitterness about it. Bitterness helps no one and just makes you super salty toward everyone. No thanks! I also had another canceled Spirit Airlines flight….. They couldn’t get me back to Texas for 3 whole days. NO THANK YOU. For the inconvenience and with some of my sassiness, I received a $50, $100 and a roundtrip voucher from them. Praise to the Lamb. This has helped me with some other trips.

New York City, New York:


Oh NYC. This city makes me feel alive. I came here and saw my friend, Dani, who was in town. We got to catch up and explore a place where we became friends. I stayed with one of my childhood best friends, Olivia. Getting to stay in her home and get a glimpse of her life was one of the sweetest gifts. We had fabulous conversations of life and embracing the beautiful creation we are. People tend to downplay themselves and I don’t think that’s is how it should be. We are all uniquely beautiful and made in an image of a loving and majestic God! I got coffee with a friend I met on a bike tour in Paris and had dinner with Uncle Johnny (my friend from college’s uncle!!) It was so fun to connect with all these lovely people. I also had some alone time which allows me to think and dream. I loved walking the streets and being anonymous. I walked through, sat and drank boba tea at Columbia University and it was beyond inspiring. I was pretending to be a student. I was reminded to dream and how much I love education. I am beginning to dream of going to grad school after my adventure in Spain to become a high school counselor! We will see. I was thinking maybe in New York City, somewhere in California or maybe London! The options are endless!



I flew into LAX and and I genuinely cannot stop singing Party in the USA every time I fly here. It is on constant repeat in my head and I am always wearing a cardigan. Amen. I had dinner with a friend I did summer staff with at Windy Gap Young Life Camp in North Carolina, about 4 years ago! Do I have any other friends besides ones I meet at Young Life camp?? Haha. Him and I had dinner and then he had a game night at his home and it was a blast. I was blessed by the world’s best Uber drivers during this trip. I owe my life to Jonathan and Francisco, haha. I was staying at a friend’s house from college and she had fallen asleep while I was at game night. She was supposed to leave the door unlocked and I got there and I could not get in. I had no service and she wouldn’t answer the doorbell or the Uber’s phone call. Thankfully the Uber was a gentleman and waited to see if I got in and I did not and he stayed to help. We left and I got service, tried to call, called my other friend and nothing. It was like 2 something in the morning. So I went back to my friend, Charles’ house from earlier! Thankful for that! I got to spend the rest of my weekend spending quality time with my Grandma. (Francisco got me to Anaheim safely and he is from Guatemala and we spoke Spanish with each other. He is everything.) It was relaxing and so sweet to spend time together with my grandma. Being on this little trip, I felt refreshed. It felt good to have a few days to get out of my day to day life. I am just so excited about life right now. Some things this trip brought me: I also was baffled at the fact I am a human again and I am really loving being one. It is so freeing to not live under the weight of my own self- criticism and perfectionism. In a way, I am continuing (because it is seemingly never-ending) to learn about control in my life and I felt that I took another baby step of realizing God is in control. Everything doesn’t have to happen exactly how I would like it to happen, when I want it to happen. God’s got my back and He knows. My Grandma always positively affirms of things that I don’t always remember. She reminded me of what an adventurer I am, how I make things happen and what a kind and open soul I have to share with the world. I am always moved by kind affirmations.


All over the place, Texas:


I have had many drives to Dallas this year. Not really a trip, per-se, but visiting two of my best friends and grandparents. Had a day in Fredericksburg with my friend, Dani. Have been around to places like Blum and McKinney Texas for some weddings. I love Texas driving, with the open roads and big skies! I have driven to Houston with my mom for my visa appointment and we made a little trip of it!— Staying with my Aunt and going to Magnolia Market in Waco. My brother has also road tripped it with me from Fort Worth, to Austin, to Houston and back to Fort Worth, all in one day, to help me finalize some visa stuff (hectic!!). I love the state of Texas. It has been so fun embracing different parts of this state I call home. I’ve also spent a lot time in Oklahoma. It reminds me a lot of Texas. I love driving there, as I have hours to think about life or jam out in the car!! All these experiences have made me so in love with this state I am from.

What a gift all these trips and experiences have been. All teaching and reminding me of different things. I didn’t initially imagine going on all these trips this year, right before I flee the country. But I think God used each of them to bring me to where I am now. I cannot express my gratitude.


Before Leaving the Country… According to Momo


All the Feels